Highlight of Recent Success Story
Here is Grant, an Insight Vision Center sponsorship patient, celebrating with his family and Dr. Lopresti after 11 months of weekly vision therapy. Dr. Lopresti’s final examination determined that “Grant has made tremendous progress in all of the following areas: focusing accuracy; flexibility and stamina; accuracy of eye movements for reading and tracking of a target/object in motion; eye teaming accuracy . . . improved visual attention and stamina.”
His mother’s smile is due to the improvement she’s seen in Grant’s ability to pay attention and stay focused.
His mother’s smile is due to the improvement she’s seen in Grant’s ability to pay attention and stay focused.

Grant’s Second Grade teacher, Mrs. Booker, reported that when Grant entered her class
his reading was at a middle first grade level . . . by the end of Second Grade,
he had achieved a beginning Third Grade reading level. Mrs. Booker shared this with the Insight Vision Center: “I feel that vision therapy has helped him (Grant) a great deal in his reading
and writing. He is reversing letters less often, and his printing is much better. Thank you for your time and services in contributing to Grant’s overall academic success!”
his reading was at a middle first grade level . . . by the end of Second Grade,
he had achieved a beginning Third Grade reading level. Mrs. Booker shared this with the Insight Vision Center: “I feel that vision therapy has helped him (Grant) a great deal in his reading
and writing. He is reversing letters less often, and his printing is much better. Thank you for your time and services in contributing to Grant’s overall academic success!”

Your donation can help with:
Developmental Eye Examination $250
Weekly Vision Therapy Program $145
A Complete Vision Development Program $8,000
Thank You